When you think of a ‘Beauty routine’ you typically think of the external products that you put onto your hair, skin, and nails. The likes of eye creams, serums and masks that you can spend an eye wateringly high amount of money on.

Now, there are new products to add to this routine of yours, supplements that help your hair, skin and nails, from the inside out.

Here are a few key ingredients that you should be looking at adding to a beauty supplement range;


Collagen is hugely important in the body. It is the major component of connective body tisssues, and therefore helps provide your skin with structure and avoid wrinkles. As you get older, the body produces less collagen, which can lead to dry skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Studies have shown that supplementing between 2.5 and 5g of collagen hydrolysate per day after 4 weeks there is significant improvements in skin elasticity (1)


Biotin is one of the better known supplements that people resonate with beauty benefits. Supposedly, it helps improve your body keratin infrastructure, resulting in improved hair growth, and reduced hair shredding.

Biotin has an EFSA approved health claim for the maintenance of normal hair and skin. Although there are not a huge number of studies confirming the benefit between biotin and improved hair, skin and nails, there are huge numbers of anecdotal evidence from users.


Zinc is one of the most abundant trace minerals in the body and is crucial to a many health functions; immunity, blood sugar levels, as well as keeping your skin, eyes and heart healthy.

Zinc has anti inflammatory benefits which help reduce certain types of acne and related scarring. One study, showed that 4 weeks of supplementing Zinc and Vitamin A, resulted in the mean acne score of participants to decrease from 100% to 15% (2).

However, more research needs to be done to understand how zinc had these benefits.

At Opalbond, we are experts in nutritional supplements. If you are a beauty brand looking to take a step into the world of nutrition, to add to your offering, get in touch at enquiries@opalbond.co.uk



(2) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/article-abstract/536705