With colder weather imminent and the drive home from Opalbond HQ getting increasingly darker, I’m more conscious that the winter cough and cold season is not far away. First it’s the kids with sniffles and then I find myself grabbing the antibacterial hand gel after hitting the London underground.

I’m healthy, haven’t had any bugs in years and I try to do as much exercise and eat as healthily as possible given the hectic lifestyle I lead, like most of us. So why the paranoia? Well perhaps its because of the impending doom of the ‘superbug’ and antibiotic resistance the media would have us believe are imminent. Perhaps its because I can’t afford to drop a ball and take time out of my lifestyle to be ill (or I’m secretly addicted to it!). Or is it because I hear more about people my own age whose cough or cold has resulted in pneumonia and time in our over burdened NHS.

With that in mind surely more and more consumers (like me!) are waking up to the need to take control of their own health and this means that opportunities for the food supplement industry have never been better.

In Ireland there is no NHS, most working people have private healthcare and pay for their Doctors appointments €50-60 each time. The food supplements market is very much geared towards addressing the main health needs that people might approach their GP with, as in true ‘primary care’. Prevention is better than cure.

Opalbond recognise that staying power in food supplements is limited. People sometimes take them, and sometimes forget. Therefore making it easier to take them is our mission in 2019 and we can now offer products from sprays to chewing gum, chocolate bites to effervescent tablets.

To hear more about our range of private label VMS products contact Helena Hall h.hall@opalbond.co.uk.